15 Identity and Access Management (IAM) Trends To Plan For In 2023 

Identity and Access Management (IAM) has become an essential aspect of digital security for organizations. According to an IDSA study, 94 percent of companies have undergone a data breach, with 79 percent of breaches occurring between 2021 to 2023. 

As 2023 progresses, companies must keep up with the latest IAM trends and technologies to remain secure and compliant. This blog will discuss 15 IAM trends that organizations should consider this year.  

What Is Identity and Access Management? 

Identity and Access Management (IAM) refers to policies, technologies, and processes established to help organizations manage and control access to their digital resources, systems, and data. It ensures that access to sensitive data is given only to authorized personnel. 

IAM involves the management of user identities and their access rights to various systems and applications. These systems typically offer a range of features, including: 

  • User provisioning and de-provisioning 
  • Authentication and authorization 
  • Access control 
  • Password management 
  • Single sign-on (SSO) functionality 

Such features help organizations meet compliance requirements and enhance security by enforcing strong authentication and access controls, thereby reducing the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches. IAM also simplifies access management, reduces the workload on IT staff, and enhances user productivity by providing seamless and secure access to resources.  

Identity Management and Access Control Trends for 2023 

In 2023, organizations must be aware of the following IAM trends to ensure they are adequately protected: 

  1. Increased Focus on Zero Trust Security Models  

The Zero Trust security model assumes that no user, device, or application is inherently trustworthy and must be verified before granting access. This approach helps organizations minimize the risk of data breaches and prevent unauthorized access.  

IBM’s 2022 Cost of a Data Breach study states that organizations deploying a complete zero-trust security system save an average of 43 percent on data breach costs, saving around $1.76mn on every breach. 

Therefore, in 2023, more organizations are adopting Zero Trust security models to protect their data and systems. 

  1. Biometric Authentication Will Continue To Grow  

Biometric authentication provides a unique identifier that cannot be easily stolen or duplicated, making it an effective tool to access digital resources securely. It includes fingerprint, facial recognition, and voice recognition. 

Alcatraz AI and several other establishments, such as the Security Industry Association, Genetec, and Incode, have all predicted a significant increase in biometric-reliant access control technology use. Biometric authentication will grow in 2023 and become a mainstream authentication method. 

  1. Multifactor Authentication (MFA) Will Become the Norm  

MFA is an authentication method that requires users to provide multiple log-ins to access a system or application. It adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to put in their password and then verify through a different medium as well. 

MFA is expected to become the norm in 2023, as it provides a simple and effective way to enhance security without adding undue complexity for users. 

  1. Cloud-Based IAM Will Become More Prevalent 

Cloud-based identity and access management solutions are gaining popularity.  This is because they’re scalable, flexible, and cost-effective. Essentially, these solutions offer centralized access management and control, enabling organizations to manage access to their resources from a single location. As more organizations migrate to the cloud, cloud-based IAM solutions are likely to become all the rage in 2023. 

  1. The Rise of Identity as a Service (Idaas)  

Identity as a Service (IdaaS) is a cloud-based IAM solution that provides identity and access management capabilities as a service. IdaaS solutions provide a cost-effective way for organizations to manage their access management needs without needing on-premises hardware or software. Experts predict to see a rise in IdaaS adoption in 2023, as more organizations recognize the benefits of this approach. 

  1. AI And Machine Learning Will Play a More Prominent Role  

AI and machine learning are increasingly used in IAM solutions to enhance security and improve user experience. AI can detect and prevent potential threats by analyzing user behavior and identifying anomalies.  

Machine learning optimizes access management policies by analyzing user access patterns and identifying areas for improvement. AI and machine learning are projected to be more prominent in IAM solutions in 2023. 

  1. The Growth of Decentralized Identity 

Decentralized identity is a concept designed to give individuals control over their identities and personal data rather than relying on centralized authorities like governments or corporations.  

These solutions use blockchain technology and other decentralized systems to store and manage identity data securely and evenly, giving people greater privacy and control over their personal information. 

Decentralized identity has been gaining momentum, and it is predicted that by 2028, the global market size of decentralized identity will reach $8.9bn, at a whopping CAGR of 78.5%. 

  1. Regulatory Compliance Will Continue to Drive IAM Adoption 

Compliance with regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA, will continue to be a key driver for IAM adoption. Organizations must ensure that their identity and access management systems meet regulatory requirements for data protection, privacy, and security. As regulations evolve and become more stringent, organizations must keep pace by adopting new IAM technologies and best practices. 

  1. Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) Will Become More Critical 

Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) refers to managing and controlling user access to IT resources and data, along with monitoring and auditing user activity. IGA solutions help organizations: 

  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements 
  • Reduce the risk of data breaches 
  • Improve operational efficiency 

As the volume and complexity of user access requests continue to grow, IGA solutions will become increasingly critical to effective identity and access management. 

  1. IAM Will Become More User-Centric 

As the workforce becomes increasingly mobile and remote, IAM solutions will need to be more user-centric to ensure convenience in accessing and securing resources.  

For example, a survey revealed that 8 out of every 10 people find it hard to manage their passwords, especially when they have different passwords for multiple accounts.  

Due to this, it is projected that IAM solutions will provide a seamless user experience, such as single sign-on (SSO) and password-less authentication, in 2023. 

  1. IoT Devices Will Become a More Significant IAM Challenge 

IoT is causing an increase in connected devices, which presents new IAM challenges. Managing access to IoT devices, which may have the limited processing power and be located in remote or hostile environments, requires specialized IAM solutions. These solutions will authenticate and authorize devices and manage access permissions in real time. 

  1. The Continued Growth of Remote Work Will Drive IAM Adoption 

Remote work has become a new normal due to the COVID-19 pandemic and is likely to continue in 2023 and beyond. However, it has led to a 59 percent rise in access to crucial business applications from 2021-2022. Businesses today have an average of 51 work-related apps installed, with 56 percent accessible through mobile devices. 

Therefore, IAM solutions that enable secure remote access, such as virtual private networks (VPNs) and secure remote desktops, will become popular in 2023. 

  1. Blockchain-Based Identity Solutions Will Gain Traction 

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize IAM by providing secure and decentralized identity management solutions. Blockchain-based identity solutions offer several advantages over traditional IAM solutions, including: 

  • Increased security 
  • Privacy 
  • User control 

In 2023, you can expect more organizations to adopt blockchain-based IAM solutions, as the technology matures and gains wider acceptance.  

  1. IAM Solutions Will Integrate More with Other Security Tools  

In recent years, organizations have been investing in multiple security tools to secure their digital assets. However, many of these tools operate in silos, which makes data sharing and response coordination to security incidents difficult.  

To address this challenge, IAM solutions will likely integrate more with other security tools, such as Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Threat Intelligence Platforms, and User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) tools.  

This integration will enable organizations to take a more holistic approach to security, reduce alert fatigue, and accelerate incident response times. It will also help organizations gain greater visibility into their security posture, which is critical in today’s threat landscape. 

In fact, 55 percent of organizations, according to a research study by Thales, which implemented IAM solutions reported an improved security posture. 

  1. The Shortage of Skilled IAM Professionals Will Continue  

The demand for IAM professionals is increasing as IAM becomes more critical to securing digital assets. However, a significant shortage of skilled IAM professionals makes it challenging for organizations to find the right talent to implement and manage IAM solutions.  

According to a report by the World Economic Forum, there is a current shortage of 3 million cyber professionals. To address this shortage, organizations need to invest in upskilling their existing staff, partnering with third-party service providers, and leveraging IAM solutions that are easier to implement and manage. 

Influence of Identity and Access Management (IAM) 

IAM significantly impacts an organization’s security posture, compliance, and overall productivity. Effective IAM solutions enable organizations to manage identities and data access more efficiently, reducing the risk of data breaches and improving compliance. IAM solutions also provide a better user experience, reducing the workload on IT staff and enhancing user productivity. 

In Conclusion 

As organizations continue to face new threats to their digital security, identity, and access management assessment will become increasingly important. By staying aware of the latest IAM trends, organizations can ensure they remain secure, compliant, and productive in 2023 and beyond. If you are looking for an identity and access management expert, contact CXI Solutions, a leading cybersecurity solutions provider. 
